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The Resilient Amador Collaborative held its first meeting in late 2017. ​Over 25 different representatives from the community, local organizations, and agencies helped shape the structure and goals of the collaborative. In spring of 2018 a two-day training on ACEs and trauma-informed care was held

for the general community and that fall the first Resilient Amador community gathering was held, introducing Resilient Amador. A  panel discussion was held around what knowledge, opportunities, and challenges exist currently.

In fall 0f 2019 members of the coalition began offering introductory trainings to the community around the topics of ACEs, Trauma, what it means to be Trauma-Informed, and Resilience.  Today we are continuing to build on these initial efforts, working together to create a trauma-informed and resilient community here in Amador County.



We are a coalition of community members representing early childhood, family services, education, health care, mental

and behavioral health, juvenile justice, government, law-enforcement, community-serving organizations, and businesses.

We strive to create a more resilient Amador by educating individuals,

communities, and organizations about ACEs, trauma and

resilience; and by providing

training and resources for making policy and practice changes that are needed to create healing in our citizenry, organizations,

and systems.



Amador County is a thriving and resilient community.



Working together to promote a trauma-informed community through education, prevention, support, and advocacy,

thereby raising the standard

of care for all.



The creation and promotion of trauma-informed systems for prevention and responsive intervention.


  • Educate people in Amador County about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the effects of toxic stress by creating materials and hosting ACEs trainings across sectors, promoting awareness through various media formats.


  • Actively support the implementation of trauma-informed practices that increase resilience and wellness for all residents, through peer led workforce trainings on the impact of ACEs and introducing trauma-informed awareness.


  • Recognize the mental and emotional impact on those who provide services to communities that experience high ACE scores. Seeks to create a supportive environment that promotes self-care and resilience building for our members.


  • Provide opportunities for community members to network and learn from each other.


  • During Child Abuse Prevention Month this year we focused on Resilience: during these uncertain times, how can we build and practice RESILIENCE? We asked people from around Amador County to share how they’ve been coping, and we hope these examples and stories of RESILIENCE will inspire you!






Click or tap on the infographic to print.

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Amador ACEs Facts

65% of Amador residents have 

experienced childhood adversity.


One in four surveyed

said they had experienced two

or three ACEs, and nearly 17% reported at least four ACEs.*


*Center for Youth Wellness (n.d.). A Hidden Crisis: Findings on Adverse Childhood Experiences in California, 2017


Community Education

If you, your organization, agency, place of business, or community group would like to learn more about the effects of adverse childhood experiences, trauma-informed care, and how to build resiliency in our community, please contact us to schedule a training presentation. More info. HERE.














Learn More - Get Involved

Resilient Amador is working together to promote a trauma-informed community through education, prevention, support, and advocacy, thereby raising the standard of care for all.  Join us the second Tuesday of every month, 3:00-5:00pm, 975 Broadway, Jackson, at the Child Abuse Prevention Council’s offices,

(209) 223-5921 or

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Mindfulness Maze

Need a moment to relax or take a break? We created a Mindfulness Maze for Celebrate Our Children this year. Take a moment to watch the video and get some ideas for how to create a mindful moment in your life or for someone you know.


Amador Community Resource Phone Numbers 

Quick reference list of agencies, organizations and more serving Amador County.


Network of Care

Online resource for local Amador events, workshops, and classes.


 ACEs Connection

Valuable resources on ACEs, Trauma-Informed Care and Resiliency, visit and join our group to receive periodic updates

(Now known as

PACES Connection

Positive and Adverse

Childhood Experiences)


ACEs Too High

Visit this site to learn more about the ACE questionnaire, the latest science and research on ACEs and resiliency, and to find additional resources.


More information can be found on ACEs, Trauma, Trauma-Informed Care, and Resilience from these BOOKS and VIDEOS


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Amador Child Abuse Prevention Council

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To report suspected child abuse or neglect in Amador County call toll free (844) 835-3685 or (209) 223-6550.


Mailing Address: PO Box 815, Jackson, CA 95642

Physical Location: 975 Broadway, Jackson, California

Phone: (209) 223-5921       Email:

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